Ring 175 Home Page - Tampa Magic Club I.B.M. Ring 175 -- 2021-22 Edition

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                  Welcome to The

The Tampa Magic Club has been promoting the art of magic
in and around Tampa since 1965!
is on May 31, 2025!!!
Lectures by Dan Fleshman and Jimmy Ichihana
We welcome ALL magicians, and those with an interest in magic, to attend our meetings regardless of gender, race, religious or political affiliation.
Welcome to The Tampa Magic Club,LLC Warren Hamilton I.B.M. Ring 175. Tampa Bay's premier Magic Club!

Many of the top magicians from around the world have shared their expertise at our Club and we are continually sharing the magic with the Tampa Bay area through our shows and community service activities.

We pride ourselves in being a friendly and educational Club. Our Club is a hands-on Club that is just the right size to be conducive to learning and teaching magic in a wonderful and friendly atmosphere.

Both young and young at heart, beginners, professionals and everyone in between have a great time at our meetings.
Ring 175 Monthly Magic Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
March Madness -- Let's Get Crazy

Since it is March Madness Time (that's the NCAA Basketball Tournament in case you have been hiding under a rock) let's continue the "madness" with a magic theme of "Let's Get Crazy" and do some crazy magic.

Come and perform magic that is crazy or wacky. Use a crazy prop or weird patter.
Since this is basketball tournament time, magic with balls is encouraged.
This is mad hatter time so we would love to see magic with clock/time or rabbits. The possibilities are endless -- use your imagination and creativity.

As always, you can do whatever magic you like and teaching the trick that you perform to the group is encouraged, but optional.
Since we are a "hands-on" Club, just come and perform -- have FUN!

Please Note,  NEW Meeting Place For March.
We are meeting at the Tampa Gardens Senior Living facility in March.
Bigger room and better meeting space.              
Let Ken Spanola or Tom Vorjohan know how you like it.

Tampa Gardens Senior Living
16702 N. Dale Mabry Hwy.
Tampa, FL 33618

All Times Are Eastern Standard Time.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
6:15 PM - Ring 175 BOD Meeting
7:00 PM - Ring 175 Brief General Meeting (10 minutes or less)
7:15 PM - Theme: March Madness -- Let's Get Crazy
Ring 175 Monthly Magic Meeting
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Theme - Arbor Day Magic

In April the world celebrates Arbor Day and so shall we.
This month we encourage you to perform a trick that represents a living thing-such as a botania (flowers), feathers (birds), hippity hop rabbits, etc.

Of course, if you don't have a trick that meets the above criteria, do whatever magic you like to do.

This should be a fun evening of magic where you can show your creativity.


All Times Are Eastern Standard Time.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
6:15 PM - Ring 175 BOD Meeting
7:00 PM - Ring 175 Brief General Meeting (10 minutes or less)
7:15 PM - Arbor Day Magic
Click on the Events-->Schedule button for exact meeting dates, time, location and meeting topic.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ken Spanola at 813-249-7325 or email us at Ring175Magic@gmail.com
We would love to hear from you or meet you at our next meeting.
Time To Pay your 2025 Tampa Magic Club,LLC Ring 175 Annual Dues.
Only $45 for current Active I.B.M. Members.
Dues are $55 for Non-Current I.B.M. Members.

Please check the"Events-->Schedule" for meeting updates.
Designed and built by Ken Spanola Magic,LLC
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